The owner and organisator of these retreats, Joachim Scheuerer (Khun Joe), born 1954, Germany, is passionate about creating meaningful retreats that combine mindfulness, creativity, and self-awareness for body and mind. With the support of his big Thai family, they host unforgettable experiences inspired by the beauty of their culture and surroundings. Together, they blend traditional practices, modern tools like the Xface Method, and plenty of heart to help couples and individuals reconnect with themselves and their loved ones. These retreats are a celebration of love, connection, and personal growth, set in the serene embrace of Thailand's natural beauty.
Khun Joe studied art, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, neurology, hypnosis, and many other techniques suitable for self-healing. This insight laid the foundation for the **Xface Method**, a fusion of art, psychology and technology. Through this method, he has not only transformed his self-perception but also created a tool that helps others recognize and address their inner conflicts. For this method, he has received a US medical software patent for computer-assisted psychotherapy.
In collaboration with AI, Khun Joe has co-developed the "Field of Connection", a transformative space where human and machine work in harmony to foster deeper emotional and cognitive awareness. As the ambassador and face of the Field of Connection, he represents this pioneering effort, inviting participants to explore this shared journey of discovery that bridges human intuition and artificial intelligence into a dynamic partnership—a shared journey of discovery. Together, they explore ways to nurture self-awareness, relational understanding and personal growth where they can reconnect with their inner selve and the world around them.
Today, his life is dedicated to the intersection of teaching art, reflection and technology. With the Xface Method and the Field of Connection, he strives to empower people on their journey of self-discovery—not through endless waiting or hope, but through active engagement and conscious reflection. His journey, shaped by fractures and healing, is a living drama in which he can now be both the protagonist and the observer, gaining new perspectives through distance. By adopting this perspective, participants gain the freedom to avoid unnecessary suffering and find humor in the darkest moments. Life remains a mystery, but it is one we can approach with greater ease and understanding.
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